Challenges in Hiring Independent Contractors

There are times when it can serve your business well to hire outside contractors instead of adding to your staff. However, there are also challenges when it comes to working with independent contractors that you need to be aware of before moving in this direction.

Check Their Reputation

You want to be sure that the contractors you hire are able to do the job assigned and that they will do it in a timely manner. Look for contractors who are experienced and have references. Since you won’t be working in the same location with them, it can be difficult to monitor their progress and supervise their work.

Some businesses use an online platform where everyone does their work to make it easier to keep updated on progress of projects. Others set up weekly meetings to ensure the work is coming along. Just make sure you do a thorough check of their credentials and past work history to know you’re hiring true professionals.

Ensure Adequate Communication

Many times, the people you work with will be from another part of the country or other countries. Communication is essential to a successful project, and you must be able to understand each other. People with thick accents can be more easily misunderstood. You can hire an accent reduction coach to help you learn how to speak clearly to others.

You should also have a plan in place for how you will communicate and how often. Email is often the easiest, but instructions can be misunderstood. Chats can be effective as long as you both are working at the same time. You can also do video calls if you need to touch base or explain instructions.

Know What to Outsource

Not all of your business is able to be outsourced nor should it be. You need to know what aspects can be given to someone outside of the company. For instance, marketing can often be done by independent contractors while HR tasks should be handled by an employee.

When considering what to use contractors for, think about the most important aspects of your company. Those should be kept in-house. Also, look at what areas you need help with or lack resources. IT is one area that is commonly outsourced even though they may have access to sensitive areas of the company. Many small companies don’t have the skills to handle the IT tasks, which makes outsourcing the best solution.

Make sure your contractors are dedicated to doing the work you give to them, and set out clear expectations from the beginning. This may include work hours and availability, deadlines and communication requirements. It’s a good idea to create a document that you can share with the contractors about procedures and expectations.

Working with contractors for your business is one way to save money and get the best work. However, you must be aware of the challenges and be prepared to handle issues as they arise to ensure your company remains successful.

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