Why Do Foreigners Sing with American Accents?

Do you ever notice how when you listen to a British pop or rock band (hello, Beatles!), they don’t appear to have an accent? What’s up with that?

Adele doesn’t have an accent when she sings (or at least, almost).

In fact… usually, it’s not even clear where the person is from just from listening to their music.

While American culture, including the media, movies, and music, tends to be one of the biggest pillars across the globe, this might not exactly be the reason why singers tend to all sound like they have one accent.

Get this: Accents become more neutralized when you sing because words and vocal pitches tend to be more drawn out!

In many ways, this actually CANCELS out accents and intonations of words.

So, now you know!

And if you’re looking to improve your speech skills or reduce your accent, get in touch with me today. As an executive speech coach, I’ve helped hundreds of clients get to where they want to be professionally and more.

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